-- card: 8912 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 9003 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2080 -- name: Bridges&Gateways -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=143 top=255 right=280 bottom=302 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 20 -- text size: 14 -- style flags: 768 -- line height: 18 -- part name: -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- OVERVIEW From CE Software QM-DataCollection Bridge™ Collects text from QuickMail messages and adds it as a tab-delimited record in one or more selected text files. Text from QuickMail forms can be imported into a database, spreadsheet, HyperCard™ stack, etc. Price: $149.95 per server. QM-Serial Gateway™ Provides a direct hardwire link to mainframes (i.e., IBM® System 32, UNIX®, X.25 and VAX™ etc.). The gateway can be customized to meet individual connection requirements. Price: $99.95 per server. QM-Connect Gateway™ Exchange mail and multiple files. Receive stock/commodity quotes through CONNECT® (MacNET™). Accessible through TymeNet® AccuNet® or direct dial. Multiple accounts can be accessed during the same session. Price: $99.95 per server. QM-Professional Gateway™ Provides transparent two-way mail exchange between QuickMail users and PROFS® users through a standard modem, a Sytek modem or a hardwire link using a 3270 emulator. Price: To be determined. Available: Fourth Quarter '89. QM-MHS Gateway™ Allows QuickMail users to send and receive messages, documents and applications to and from users of any electronic mail package supported by MHS, including DaVinci’s eMAIL™,cc:Mail™ and Transend™. MHS, a PC standard, provides Local and Wide Area Networking capabilities. Price: $199.95 per server. Included with QuickMail: Telecom Bridge Lets QuickMail users exchange messages and files via modem with remote QuickMail networks and electronic services. Scripts to CompuServe™, MCI Mail™, GEnie™ and The Source™ are included. Also includes documentation for writing custom scripts. Printer Bridge Sends messages to a printer, giving people without computers access to electronic mail. EPSF and PICT formats supported for creating letterheads. QM Remote™ An intelligent telecommunications package that gives remote users dial-in access to QuickMail. QM Remote is included in the QuickMail package. QM Remote is available also as a stand-alone package. Price: $49.95 (stand-alone package). FREE from CE Software on Electronic Services QM-Link Gateway™ Allows QuickMail users to send messages to and from Apple's popular AppleLink™ mail system. Multiple accounts will be supported. Price: FREE from electronic services or $20.00 for materials and handling from CE Software. From CE Software for bridge and Gateway development Inside QuickMail™ A product for programmers which documents the calls to access the powerful QuickMail engine. Includes a manual and disk with source code of example bridges. Price: $50.00. From Third Parties GatorMail-Q™ Enables messages and files to be exchanged between QuickMail and UNIX® E-mail systems based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Cayman Systems Inc. 26 Landsdowne St. Cambridge, MA 02139 617-494-1999 VINES™ Mac Mail Gateway Enables messages and files to be exchanged between QuickMail and workstations using X.25, TCP/IP or SNA protocols. Banyan Systems, Inc. 115 Flanders Road Westboro, MA 01581 508-898-1000 INETsm QuickMail Bridge Provided FREE to INET subscribers. Links QuickMail to Profs™, DEC, Data General, X.400, TeleMail™, AT&T Mail™, Telex & Fax. INET Company of America 4795 Meadow Wood Lane Chantilly, VA 22021 1-800-322-INET MailMate/QM™ Provides QuickMail users with a two-way connection to VAX Mail™, Profs™, All-in-One™, X.400 and other services supported by Digital Equipment's MailBus. Uses Digital's Mail-11 protocol over DECnet. Connections can be made over EtherNet® or via an asynchronous serial line. Alisa Systems, Inc. 221 E. Walnut Street Pasadena, CA 91101 818-792-9474 FAXgate/QM™ & MailStation Glue™ FAXgate/QM is a gateway from QuickMail to any Macintosh® Fax modem using BackFAX™. FAXGate networks the fax modem, allowing any QuickMail user to send a fax message transparently to any fax machine worldwide. MailStation Glue allows users to send documents with graphics and fonts directly from their applications. Solutions, Inc. 30 Commerce Street Williston, VT 05495 802-658-5506 QuickMail, QuickMail PC, QuickSend, QuickConference, QM Remote, QM-MHS Gateway, QM-DataCollection Bridge, QM-Connect Gateway, QM-Professional Gateway, QM-Link Gateway and QM-Serial Gateway are trademarks of CE Software, Inc. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- FACT SHEET Bridges and Gateways from CE Software. Category: Communications extensions Descriptions: QM–Professional Gateway™ This gateway provides transparent two-way mail exchange between QuickMail users and PROFS® users through a standard modem, a Sytek™ modem or a hardwire link using a 3270 emulator. PROFS Notes and PROFS Documents both can be sent and received via the QM-Professional gateway. One gateway can be used by up to 100 QuickMail users per MailCenter (3200 per server). The gateway can be configured to work with mainframe “call-back” security features. Available in the fourth quarter of 1989. Price: To be determined. QM–Link Gateway™ This gateway will allow QuickMail users to send messages to and from Apple's popular AppleLink™ mail system. Multiple accounts are supported with the QM-Link Gateway. Price: FREE from electronic services or $20.00 for materials and handling from CE Software. QM-MHS Gateway™ The QM-MHS Gateway links QuickMail users to users of any electronic mail package supported by MHS. These include DaVinci’s eMAIL™, cc:Mail™, Transend™ and others. MHS™ (Message-Handling Service) was created by Action Technologies, Inc., and has become the standard for messaging in the PC world. Utilizing this gateway, QuickMail users can send mail and enclosures through the QuickMail Mail Server to an MHS file server (such as a Novell®), where it is distributed to PC users on the local network or across a modem. The real power of the QM-MHS Gateway is its ability to combine the talents of PC users and Mac users. The gateway is seamless to both the QuickMail user and the PC user. Each sends mail through the gateway as easily as sending to the next desk. Users can exchange messages, documents, text files and applications effortlessly. Price: $199.95 per server. QM–DataCollection Bridge™ This bridge collects text from QuickMail messages and adds it as a tab-delimited record to one or more files stored on the Mail Server. These files can be imported later into databases, spreadsheets, HyperCard™ stacks, etc. Users can store data easily from registration cards or requests for information received through the mail or by phone. Users also can back up copies of important QuickMail messages they send or receive onto the Mail Server machine. Retrieving stored information is simple. Click a “Retrieve” checkbox on a QuickMail form, address it to the text file you wish to retrieve, and click “Send.” You will receive a reply with the desired file enclosed. You may store it to your own disk, or import it into any application or database you prefer. Price: $149.95 per server. QuickMail, QM–Professional Gateway, QM–Link Gateway, QM–MHS Gateway, QM–DataCollection Bridge, QM–Serial Gateway and QM–Connect Gateway are trademarks of CE Software, Inc. PROFS and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark and AppleLink and HyperCard are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Da Vinci eMail is a trademark of Da Vinci Systems Corp. MHS is a trademark of Action Technologies, Inc. Novell is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. cc:Mail is a trademark of cc:Mail, Inc. Transend is a trademark of Transend Corp. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Information Systems. VAX is a trademark of Digital Equipment Company. CONNECT is a registered service mark of Connect, Inc. CompuServe is a trademark of CompuServe. QM–Serial Gateway™ This gateway provides a hardwire link between QuickMail users and mainframe computers such as IBM® System 32, UNIX®, X.25 and VAX™ or other serial devices. Scripts may be written to customize this bridge to meet specialized connection requirements. Price: $99.95 per server. QM–Connect Gateway™ This gateway will allow users on a QuickMail network to exchange messages and multiple files seamlessly with users of the CONNECT Professional Information Service and other QuickMail users via CONNECT®. Users also can automatically collect price quotes on stocks, mutual funds, futures, options and other financial securities from Standard and Poor's online financial quotes service. The gateway can be set up to exchange messages when telephone rates are lowest. QuickMail users who travel from office to office can be set up as QM–Connect Gateway users at multiple sites, so they can collect their messages easily from CONNECT while on the road. One QM–Connect Gateway can be used by up to 100 users per MailCenter (3200 per server). Price: $99.95 per server. Telecom Bridge This bridge lets QuickMail users exchange messages and files across a modem with remote QuickMail networks and electronic services. Scripts to CompuServe™, MCI Mail™ and GEnie™ are included. Also included is documentation for writing custom scripts. Price: Included with the QuickMail package. Printer Bridge This bridge sends messages to a printer, giving people without computers access to electronic mail. EPSF and PICT formats are supported for creating custom letterheads. Price: Included with the QuickMail package. Extensibility: Special software bridges and gateways are available also from third parties to meet your special needs. (See the QuickMail Connectivity fact sheet.) Programmer information (the Inside QuickMail™ package) is available to aid in the creation of custom bridges and gateways. Documentation: All bridges and gateways include an easy-to-follow manual that takes the guesswork out of installation. When applicable, the manuals discuss how users can take advantage of the gateway's special features. Support: Support is provided free to all registered users. The Support Department is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Central Time, Monday through Friday, at (515) 224-1995. Specifications: All CE Software bridges and gateways are installed on the QuickMail Mail Server machine; thus, if you have QuickMail, you already have the necessary equipment and software. Authors: Gil Beecher, Tom Cavanaugh, Donald Brown and Mike Bracewell. Target Markets: All networks using QuickMail. Availability: Unless otherwise noted, the bridges and gateways listed on this sheet are currently available. QuickMail is not copy-protected and is available through dealers and distributors worldwide. All CE Software products are sold with satisfaction guaranteed or money back. -- part contents for card part 1 ----- text ----- Bridges & Gateways